Api 610 12th edition pdf free download

All changes must meet with task force approval before they are included in the first draft of the revised standard. In the review process, the task force must consider all standard paragraphs that are pertinent to the standard and either: 1. Change the standard to agree with the standard paragraph; or 2.

Modify the standard paragraph to better suit the standard being reviewed; or 3. Justify that the standard paragraph does not apply to the equipment for which the standard being reviewed applies and remove it When the task force is satisfied that the revised standard is ready to be presented to the Subcommittee on Mechanical Equipment SOME , the presentation is scheduled. The Subcommittee may request changes be made to the draft or that the task force revisit certain subjects and present them again.

All negative ballots must be resolved before the revised standard can be published. This process usually takes between two and three years, depending on the magnitude of the changes. Engineering contractors, end users and pump manufacturers alike comprised an international team to explore, discuss and debate a variety of topics.

This means that perhaps three years after a standard has been published, a task. Though eventually there is expected to be more than changes which include minor edits, the key additional or modified items recommended for the Twelfth Edition inclusion are as follows: 1. Addition of shaft guards for all pumps New Informative Annex addressing high-energy pumps 3.

Material Columns reduction and improvements to material designations, including non-metallics 4. Updated Annexes for Material class selection guidelines and Material columns 5. Energy density limits for pipeline pumps 6.

Performance test points modification 7. Clarification of several definitions and images 8. Re-arranging of certain sections 9. Addition of data list; data sheet update VFD considerations Vertical pumps: TIR on vertical motor mounting flange; can requirements; dynamics Inputs from multiple refineries indicated that safety organizations were pointing out that the area between the pump casing cover and the bearing housing has an exposed shaft area that should be covered.

More specifically, this is the shaft area where the mechanical seal gland is located. Furthermore, the drive collar adjacent to the cartridge seal has set screws, which could be a concern if someone placed their hand in that area during pump operation. The sub-committee decided to mandate a shaft guard.

A simple decision to make became complicated as we started to define the guard requirements. Basically, the same requirements which apply to coupling guards pertain to shaft guards, with some differences.

Unlike the coupling guard, woven wire is an acceptable approach, since this guard does not have the need to be sufficiently stiff rigid to withstand a lbf N static point load.

However, the shaft guard does require to be sufficiently vented to prevent accumulation of seal emissions, liquid or vapor and have an opening 0.

Further information was provided for pipeline pumps. The annex contains sections for definition; selection criteria for pressure boundary and rotor; design considerations for pressure boundary components, impellers, diffusers or volutes, shaft seals, bearings and bearing housings; materials; manufacturing; and testing guidelines.

Examples of special purpose pumps are: single-stage rpm high-speed hydrogen and oxygen F-1 turbopumps used for the Saturn V booster rocket engines; psi bar highpressure, rpm high-speed, ft. Figure 2 represents one approach in defining pump energy level in terms of stage pressure rise. Figure 2: Example of high-energy pumps based on specific speed vs. High-energy Special Purpose Pumps In the 11th Edition, high energy was defined as pumps with heads per stage greater than ft m and power per stage greater than hp kW.

Only a stipulation for percentage of radial clearances between the diffuser vane or casing cut-water and the impeller blade in relation to their radii was addressed in the 11th Edition. The sub-committee realized two things: first, that high energy meant different things to different people, as evidenced by customers who have already written into their specifications what they consider high energy; and second, that irrespective of the definition of high energy, the prescription of what exactly should be addressed for any high-energy pump was the more important issue.

The decision was made to:. Re-label these pumps as Special Purpose Add a new annex specifically dedicated to these pumps Annex to be informative instead of formative.

For high-energy pumps, every aspect of the design requires careful review, including rotor stiffness, distribution of residual stresses in metal-to-metal sealing surfaces, determining deflection at critical fits and establishing proper running clearances. Especially for new designs, FEA of the bearing housing should be done to carefully determine the types of bearings to use.

Lastly, the ability to easily assemble and disassemble impellers must be taken into consideration. As for manufacturing requirements, patterns and rigging should provide sound castings while non-destructive testing of highly stressed areas should be performed.

The key changes are:. Under auxiliary connections, for C-6 materials, L piping and fittings are to be used up to F C , and Inconel material for higher temperatures. Bearing Selection Criteria Currently in the 11th edition, hydrodynamic radial and thrust bearings are mandated when the energy density i. For the 12th edition, this requirement remains for all services except for pipelines, where higher energy density levels of Justification for this higher level is basis various successful field installations and considering that pipeline services are characteristic of pumping products with lower product temperatures compared to medium to hot temperature liquids found in refinery services.

Performance Test Points Slight changes from the 11th Edition are proposed. Additional test points highlighted in blue in Table 2 are now required to help better verify pump performance in the region between shut-off and minimum continuous stable flow MCSF. This is particularly important on medium and higher energy pumps where it is recommended to obtain a vibration signature at the low flow end without damaging the pump 11th Edition currently requires taking a performance reading at shut-off; however, no vibration data is required.

End of curve end of preferred and operating region Table 2: Performance test points comparison between 11th Edition and proposed 12th Edition Baseplates Wording improvements to the 11th Edition are proposed to more accurately describe the baseplate types.

Drain rim and drain pan are removed and replaced with:. Flat deck type with a sloped gutter drain Figure 3 Sloped deck plate mounted between the side rails and extending beneath the pump and driver Figure 4 Sloped deck plate mounted between the side rails and extending only under the pump and coupling Figure 5.

The current 11th Edition requires that the purchaser specify which type of baseplate is required. Figure 3: Flat deck type with a mounted sloped gutter drain and extending beneath the Pump and driver. Figure4: Sloped deck plate between the side rails and extending beneath the pump and driver. An image was added for near centerline supported BB1 pump. Details on jackscrew requirements were added.

A new requirement for preventing blocking of the area adjacent to the pump bearing housing, mechanical seal and coupling has been included. This is particularly important for OH2 process pumps with auxiliaries for Plan 52, 53 and gas panels, along with seal flush plans with coolers [Plan 21, 23] see Figure 7.

To facilitate this, non-standard dimensioned baseplates shall be used instead of the standard 0. This approach gives access to both sides of the pump back end with room to check the mechanical seal, bearing housing and coupling while the pump is operating, or to easily remove the back-pull-out element for servicing.

A similar approach is to be taken for between bearings pumps see Figure 8. Figure 7: Small and large OH2 pumps with auxiliaries mounted in front of the suction nozzle area. Figure 8: Between bearings pumps with auxiliaries mounted preferably on one side, for easy access Definitions and Images As part of the review process for producing the 12th Edition, Standard Paragraphs which apply to all rotating equipment were reviewed and compared to the 11th Edition to determine where possible changes in definitions would be required.

The definitions needing attention were: maximum allowable working pressure MAWP , maximum discharge pressure, and properly defining what is meant by normal.

Images for vertically suspended pump types VS6 and VS7 were. Data Sheets and Data List Improvements are being made to the 11th Edition data sheets to cover all new changes within the API document along with the updating of the proper paragraph numbers.

In addition, there will be a data list which is a neutral data file that can be used to exchange conditions-of-service details for making pump selections. It is a tool that supports electronic data exchange EDE effectively and minimizes the possible errors in transposing numbers from contractor to pump manufacturer back to contractor and end user to complete the electronic loop. The 11th Edition had a special note stating that by the time the 12th Edition is issued, OH, BB1 and BB2 pumps would be required to have a pressure rating equal to that of a lb flange, which is psi 51 bar at F 38C.

Further discussions revealed that the majority of pump sizes generate heads that are relatively low. This translates to the current psi 41 bar pressure requirement, to which most pump manufacturers comply.

The final decision was made to revert back to the psi 41 bar rating for these pump types. It should be noted that most manufacturers do have, as an option, higher pressure pump designs, especially for high suction pressure applications which require lb, lb and even lb flanges and heavier wall thickness casing designs.

Bearing-housing Resonance Test Additional clarifications are being added to advise what should be done if resonance conditions cannot be detuned. A note has been added regarding VFD applications to explain that it may not be possible to achieve all the applicable frequency separation margin requirements, in which case the purchaser and pump manufacturer may want to take additional readings.

With VFDs, certain operating speed ranges can be blocked out and when operating at reduced speeds, the resonance should be lower. Vertical Suspended Pump Requirements Three areas have been expanded and modified. The first concerns changing the tolerance required for the driver shaft and base from 0. This is based on the logic that it is impossible to hold the same tolerance on a small motor flange as a very large motor.

Next are the casing details relative to type VS6 pumps. An explanation is given to outer barrel construction materials relative to having a pipe with weld cap design with butt welds and radiography RT vs. The key with either design is for the outer barrel to meet the maximum allowable working pressure MAWP.

Suction barrels or cans can have either elliptical or flat bottom heads, again meeting the MAWP requirements and use full-penetration welds. If elliptical bottom heads are specified, they will be either be ellipsoidal or. The third area for improving vertical pump requirements is the dynamic section, which remains a bulleted paragraph. Clarification was added to describe that when a dynamic analysis is required by a customer, it means the complete pump, including the belowground components and the driver structure on either its foundation or support structure.

Three new notes have been added to address the extent of detail required for the models, guidelines for verticals per Hydraulic Institute, and how to handle situations when separation margins are not achieved. NPT Gland Connection Much discussion and investigation determined whether it was feasible to change from the current default for an NPT connection at the mechanical seal gland to a higher integrity connection joint.

The sub-committee presented a number of options to the SOME and addressed the pros and cons of each. The conclusion was to keep the 11th Edition wording for the NPT connection as a default.

The SOME provided feedback that this joint has not really been a problem when proper field installation practices are followed; and because the 11th Edition already contains a bulleted paragraph addressing a higher integrity joint for those customers who want it. Another viable approach and solution for those who do not want an NPT connection at the mechanical seal gland is to provide a machined flange or socket welded connection off the casing cover for the primary seal flush line.

Only gland auxiliary connections for Plan 52 and 53 handling non-process liquids would be NPT. Disassembly After Testing Further explanation is added that for BB3 and BB5 pump types, it may not be possible to drain all the water after testing, and though it is important to do so, the optional approach of disassembling the pump may be invasive to a point of impacting the mechanical integrity of the pump.

The definition for steady-state forced analysis it was damped in the 11th Edition has been more accurately rewritten. Similarly, transient torsional analysis is now defined as transient forced response analysis. A clarification for performing an undamped natural frequency analysis when using VFDs and ASDs was added along with a note that certain designs, especially older vintage units may produce high torsional pulsations.

Updated Paragraph Numbers and Tables Since the 12th Edition will not be co-branded with ISO, throughout the document including all tables and charts, the order of dimensional units has changed from metric first U. The decision was made to keep the ISO references since in many cases there are no other equivalent references. Nozzle Loads Discussions centered on whether the forces and moments shown in the nozzle load chart are still current or whether they should be changed.

This was raised because more engineering contractors are requesting at least two times the API nozzle loads for the pump package i. The decision was made to leave the values alone; however, we. Constant Level Oilers The sub-committee was requested to review whether oilers used on pump bearing housings should be removed. The various pros and cons were discussed.

Some argued that operators may overfill the bearing housings because when they do not see oil in the oiler, they just pour more oil into the oilers, which leads to overheating the oil and leakage out of the bearing housing end covers.

Use of bulls-eyes seemed to be a solution; however, these small oil indicators do coke up and it is hard to see them from a distance. The conclusion was reached to continue to require constant level oilers on the bearing housings because they serve as a good indicator for operators to quickly see whether oil is needed from a distance. However, because there are so many unique design elements characteristic of sealless pumps, it is recommended to keep these two documents separate.

Metadata Show full item record. This tutorial addresses the background process in how the document is updated and indicates the participating companies that contributed to this work.

Included is the background reasoning behind each change. The Twelfth Edition draft has been circulating for comment since the second quarter of One area of particular interest in the Eleventh Edition was the data sheet program which has been improved and was expected to support electronic data interchange EDI for engineering contractors, end users and pump manufacturers.

EDI was expected to save significant effort in accurately specifying equipment requirements. In the Twelfth Edition, a task force subgroup is again trying to enhance its use. Description Lecture. Subject Pumping machinery.


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