Criminalistics an introduction to forensic science pdf download

Looking for some inspiration? Read More. Success Stories. Awarding bodies we work with. Sign up to receive discounts, advice and latest news via email. First name. Email address. Sign up. Glossary and how-to information Older versions of the curriculum can be accessed through the archives of the Legacy Handbook Handbook and older The legacy handbook, which lists all the units on offer in , will still be available until early for continuing students.

Legacy Handbook page How to use the new Handbook First search for your Program code by using the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the page. If not, follow the relevant link on the page to go to the correct version on the legacy handbook Use the Sequence or Structure tabs on the Program page to find links to related Subjects, or related Majors and Minors The Subject Detail pages include information that replaces Unit Outlines.

Close this window Print Options. Send Page to Printer. Download PDF of this page. Download PDF of the Catalog. Forensic Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry Laboratory 1.

CRIM MATH Select a minimum of 8 credits from the following courses:. Biology of Microorganisms and Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory.

Immunology and Immunology Laboratory. General Biochemistry I and Biochemistry Lab. Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Laboratory. Select a minimum of 3 credits from the following courses:. Select a minimum of 7 credits from the following courses:. These course selections recommend the University Physics sequence. Oral Communication. Quantitative Reasoning. Information Technology and Computing. Global Understanding. Natural Science. Social and Behavioral Sciences. Total Minimum Credits A minimum of degree credits must be earned for a baccalaureate degree.

Quality of Work Candidates must complete the degree requirements for their major and earn at least a 2. Limitations on Source and Time for Credit Acquisition The college dean or campus chancellor and program faculty may require up to 24 credits of course work in the major to be taken at the location or in the college or program where the degree is earned.

Requirements for the Major To graduate, a student enrolled in the major must earn a grade of C or better in each course designated by the major as a C-required course, as specified by Senate Policy BIOL BMB CHEM CHEM W. Suggested Academic Plan The suggested academic plan s listed on this page are the plan s that are in effect during the academic year.

Biology Option : Forensic Science, B. Career Paths The Forensic Science program provides students with a strong foundation in the natural sciences. Print Options. Send Page to Printer. Download PDF of this page. Download Overview PDF. Download Accreditation PDF. Download Contact PDF.

Prescribed Courses: Require a grade of C or better. Chemical Principles I. Experimental Chemistry I. Chemical Principles II. Experimental Chemistry II. FRNSC Introduction to Forensic Science. MATH Calculus With Analytic Geometry I.


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